Detailed Product Specifications
Chemical Formula: CH3COOC2H5
Common Synonyms: Ethyl ethanoate, Acetic Acid ethyl ester, Ethanoic acid ethyl ester
Physical Properties : Abbreviation: E/A
Appearance: Colorless Liquid
Molecular weight: 88
Properties at 400C
Density: 832.5 kg/m3
Sp. Heat Capacity: 0.4969 kcal/kg0C
Thermal Conductivity: 0.110 kcal/ m hr0C
Viscosity: 0.267 cP
Typical Analysis
Color: Colorless
Acidity : 0.01 %
Residual Order: NIL
Moisture Content: 0.1 %
Distillation Range: 76 – 78.50C
Boiling Point : 760C
Drying Point: 78.50C
Purity : 99.9 %
UN/No: 1173
Packaging group: II
Major hazard class: 3.0
Applications: It is used as a solvent in inks, in paints, nitrocellulose, varnishes and lacquers. As a flavor in pharmaceuticals. As a synthetic fruit essence, in perfumes, in photographic films and plates. It is also used for flexible packaging. It is also used as a co-extractant of camphor, fats, oils, and antibiotics.
Health and Safety Information: Highly Flammable, Vapor/Air Mixture Explosive, Harmful if swallowed, Irritant, Personal Protection: Safety glasses, Adequate ventilation
Inspection Details: SGS or any other agency as per your requirement.